EnEginering Skills Training Centre (ESTC)

Page 43 of 56 Date: 2024-07-23 Anglo American Platinum – Engineering Skills Training Centre (ESTC) Tel: 011 411 6730 Website: www.estc.co.za/prospectus Rev 8 Revision date: 08 Nov 2024 [OFFICIAL] ELECTRONICS SHORT COURSES TRAINING PROGRAMME (NAME) MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TARGET POPULATION DURA TION No of Candid ates OBJECTIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CRITICAL CONTENT / TASKS) DATE Basic Electronics Module 1 Salthiel Mataboge 011 411 6742 Artisans (Electrical, Instrumentation, Millwright and Junior Engineers) • Artisans • Foremen • Engineers 5 days 12 Artisan, Foreman, Trainee engineers, Engineers and Instrument Mechanicians/ Technicians will be equipped electronic knowledge and skills. The participant will be able to: • Identify and use Resistors • Identify and use Capacitors • Identify and use Inductors • Identify and use Diodes • Use an Oscilloscope • Rectification circuits On Request Basic Electronics Module 2 Salthiel Mataboge 011 411 6742 Artisans (Electrical, Instrumentation, Millwright and Junior Engineers) • Artisans • Foremen • Engineers 5 days 12 Artisan, Foreman, Trainee engineers, and Engineers Will be equipped with electronics systems knowledge and skills. The participant will be able to: • Identify Zener diodes • Voltage doubler • Identify Transistor action • Identify Transistor configuration • Regulated power supply • Test Thyristor • Thyristor phase control • Solder components On Request Advanced Electronics Salthiel Mataboge 011 411 6742 Basic Electronics 1 & 2 • Artisans • Foremen • Engineers 5 days 12 Artisan, Foreman, Trainee engineers, and Engineers Will be equipped with electronics systems knowledge and skills. The participant will be able to: • Fault Finding Circuits • Test an Amplifier • Use a Transistor as a Switch • Test Multi-vibrators • Identify Operational Amplifiers • Test a Field Effect Transistor • Test Logic Gates • Construct a Continuity Tester On Request