EnEginering Skills Training Centre (ESTC)

Page 23 of 56 Date: 2024-07-23 Anglo American Platinum – Engineering Skills Training Centre (ESTC) Tel: 011 411 6730 Website: www.estc.co.za/prospectus Rev 8 Revision date: 08 Nov 2024 [OFFICIAL] SPECIALIZED SKILLS TRAINING (FACILITATED BY OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS TRAINING PROGRAMME (Name) MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TARGET POPULATION DURA TION No of Candid ates OBJECTIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CRITICAL CONTENT / TASKS) DATE Winder Brake Systems (Hydraulic) Qualified artisan • Artisans • Foremen • Junior Engineers 2 Days 20 Understand the hydraulic brake systems on wonders • Practice construction of a winder brake system on training boards • Practice brake settings on winders • Static adjustments and tests • Dynamic tests • Brake components • Circuits • Operations 23-24/05/2024 16– 17/11/2024