EnEginering Skills Training Centre (ESTC)

Page 22 of 56 Date: 2024-07-23 Anglo American Platinum – Engineering Skills Training Centre (ESTC) Tel: 011 411 6730 Website: www.estc.co.za/prospectus Rev 8 Revision date: 08 Nov 2024 [OFFICIAL] SPECIALIZED SKILLS TRAINING (FACILITATED BY OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS TRAINING PROGRAMME (Name) MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TARGET POPULATION DURA TION No of Candid ates OBJECTIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CRITICAL CONTENT / TASKS) DATE Business Centered Management Qualified artisan • Artisans • Foremen • Junior Engineers 4 Days 20 The participant will be able to: Be competent to develop, implement and sustain a reliabilitybased maintenance programme. Understand how to reduce life cycle support costs by eliminating the adverse effects of poor design on maintenance and logistics Measure the effectiveness of Maintenance Management and its related Computerized Maintenance Management System (‘CMMS’ e.g. SAP PM) in your organization • Maintenance Assessment • Early Equipment Management and Failure Prevention • Business Centered Maintenance TRACC (Implementation Guidelines) • Focused Improvement Program • Continuous Improvement • Introduction to Business Centered Maintenance • Business Centered Maintenance Tasks • Developing the Maintenance Programme (Fast-TRACC RCM) Rustenburg 08-11/04/2024 12-15/08/2024 Polokwane 10-13/06/2024 14-17/10/2024