EnEginering Skills Training Centre (ESTC)

Page 21 of 56 Date: 2024-07-23 Anglo American Platinum – Engineering Skills Training Centre (ESTC) Tel: 011 411 6730 Website: www.estc.co.za/prospectus Rev 8 Revision date: 08 Nov 2024 [OFFICIAL] SPECIALIZED SKILLS TRAINING (FACILITATED BY OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS TRAINING PROGRAMME (Name) MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TARGET POPULATION DURA TION No of Candid ates OBJECTIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CRITICAL CONTENT / TASKS) DATE RCL-PLC-PROGTWO Successful completion of ST7PRO1 or ST7SERV2 • Artisans • Foremen • Junior Engineers 5 Days 12 The participant will be able to: Be competent in Advance Programming technique, easy to solve complex programming problems. • Status Bit-Depended instruction • Accumulator Function & Word logic • Instruction with real numbers • Indirect addressing & Address Register numbers • Structure of pointers with Memory indirect Addressing • STEP7 Data types & Variables • Using Libraries & System function • Data Block ARRAY’s & STRUCTURES • Handling Synchronous & Asynchronous Errors • S7-GRAPH, S7-HIGRAPH software packages • Engineering Tools for S7/M7 • SIMATIC S7-400& 400H 08 – 12/04/2024