EnEginering Skills Training Centre (ESTC)

Page 15 of 56 Date: 2024-07-23 Anglo American Platinum – Engineering Skills Training Centre (ESTC) Tel: 011 411 6730 Website: www.estc.co.za/prospectus Rev 8 Revision date: 08 Nov 2024 [OFFICIAL] SPECIALIZED SKILLS TRAINING (FACILITATED BY OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS) TRAINING PROGRAMME (NAME) MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TARGET POPULATION DURATI ON No of Candid ates OBJECTIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES (CRITICAL CONTENT / TASKS) DATE Water Treatment Technology Qualified artisan • Fitters • Junior Engineers 1 Day 20 Understand the effect of contaminants on pump life Identify filtration and purification methods Understand methods of chemical addition • Methods of chemical addition • Safety aspects of chemicals including storage • Pumping contaminated water • Methods to purify water • Identifying water treatment terminology 18/07/2024 RCL-NET-INTRO (introduction to industrial networks) • Instrument Mechanician • Instrument Technician • Instrument Foremen 3 Days 12 • Describe the various Industrial Networking options and terminology • Install and configure simple networks including, interface modules, software and cables Configure and troubleshoot • Install and address various sensor and field devices including 3rd party devices • Troubleshoot and repair basic industrial network • The course introduces PROFIBUS, PROFINET and Actuator-Sensor Interface (AS-I) networks within an automation system. • Delegates will enhance skills with basic network installations, configurations and troubleshooting. • This course covers sensor, field networks including hardware and software requirements, and installation rules. • Specific network protocols are discussed and are used to learn of configuration and parameterization requirements. • Specific Communication Processors reviewed. 07- 09/02/2024